Results for beastman

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BEASTMAN (2) Beastman Beastman 001 BEASTMAN 002 Beastman 003 Beastman 004 Beastman 005


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Beastman (Gossard, 2012)

Height 27in (69cm), bloom 7.5in (19.0cm), season MLa, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Rust red with darker rust red eyezone and yellow throat, petals and sepals are covered with claws, fangs, teeth and tentacles.
(Heavenly Velocirapter X Outer Limits)

Other Matches


BEASTMAN (2) Beastman Beastman 001 BEASTMAN 002 Beastman 003 Beastman 004 Beastman 005


Display Only

Beastman (Gossard, 2012)

Height 27in (69cm), bloom 7.5in (19.0cm), season MLa, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Rust red with darker rust red eyezone and yellow throat, petals and sepals are covered with claws, fangs, teeth and tentacles.
(Heavenly Velocirapter X Outer Limits)

Contact Info

Shady Rest Gardens

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